Indian Creek Festival Pickleball Tournament Partner Matchup

Looking for a Partner

Enter a number if you are willing to be contacted by phone from other people that are looking for partners. Otherwise contact will only be done by email.

Caldwell's Indian Creek Festival Pickleball Tournament will be held on Saturday, September 16 at Luby Park. The tournament will include t-shirts, prizes, trophies and more. Fill out this form if you want to be put on 2CPBC's list of people looking for a partner.

You and your partner will still need to sign up for the tournament, this form is just a way to help you find a partner.

Once you have a partner, sign up with the City of Caldwell Parks and Recreation Department by clicking here. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and select your division. From there, just follow the steps to sign up. The cost is $60 per TEAM, with funds going to provide lighting for the courts at Luby Park.

People looking for a partner are shown below and will be updated daily until the tournament. Contact someone on the list and get together to register with the city. You can select someone for men's, women's, or mixed doubles.

Looking for Partner

Email if you want your name removed
NameLevelDivisionMixed OK?PhoneEmailPrefer
Steve Brockley3.5 to 3.9Men's?(435)-901-9956stevebrockley22@gmail.comText
Claire Tzavalas4.0 and overWomen'sYes(818)-515-4866mom2stt@gmail.comText
Debbie CurtisUp to 3.4Women'sNo(205)-724-1998debbielcurtis2020@gmail.comText
Mark ProkopUp to 3.4Men'sYes(208)
Max GadorUp to 3.4Men'sYes(208)-371-3476raffski@yahoo.comText
Tim BeamsUp to 3.4Men'sYes(208)-899-3913tbeams67@yahoo.comEmail